วันอังคารที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Botulinum Toxin

There is something worse than anything human. The answer is Yes, because it is not a biological weapon. It is only human beings extinct as Spam Lin II Namco Toxin Weapons disease is caused by bacteria in the Clausura title Shastri Stadium Tours Republic Denmark Namco (Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium that does not rely on oxygen. Straight or slightly curved shape. Animated width 0.5-2.0 um in length 1.6-22.0 um the fact that this disease can be found worldwide in soil and water. Species is a serious types A, B and E (types A, can be converted by a cosmetic) showed the symptom nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, and death, depending on where the infection. If used in war. Toxins are fast acting. With terrorist groups around the world are expected to be infected with a biological weapon. These toxins can damage the crop, only 1 gram of human life up to 1.5 million people! I have added more information. Although this is a dangerous toxin, it has medical benefits as well. Used to recreate the serum, etc. (Also, remember NEWS shoot a crush on me, that Nan has Two Bourne Toxic List Namco).

