วันอังคารที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Bull Ant

Ant ants resided in eastern Australian forests ancient habits differ from other types of ants. Throw it like a single prey (this is it), then it is a bit more punch. Because it contains iron in the bottom (a distant relative exposure to standby or racism) there was also a sight to two meters long called alarming really. But it also has its weaknesses is that it does not smell different. Wizards are not as good as the human eye, so it was replaced. And although it is not limited to punch people to death because of severe toxicity. But the pain of it is known that most of the animals that bite hurt at all. Species on this planet. The ants bite symptoms include burning pain and symptoms of these achingly long day is quite effective. It has been reported dead too.

