วันอังคารที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555


Also known as. Toothpick fish. Found in the Amazon River. The fish is small, it is the fifth largest in the Sidewinder shape than it really is grim folk down there very much afraid of this species. It is an island residents eating habits. It stayed gills of fish. I was bitten by the gills of fish blood. As well as satisfied. It is reputed to be the most contaminated fish. Because it has a habit of smelling of urine. If someone came into the house, pool and peeing into the river. It was quickly followed by the smell of urea. Then it will burrow themselves into the urethra. I got this fish will ingest much pain. The only way is to be surgically removed. Otherwise be left to rot until the urethra ever.

