วันอังคารที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Botulinum Toxin

There is something worse than anything human. The answer is Yes, because it is not a biological weapon. It is only human beings extinct as Spam Lin II Namco Toxin Weapons disease is caused by bacteria in the Clausura title Shastri Stadium Tours Republic Denmark Namco (Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium that does not rely on oxygen. Straight or slightly curved shape. Animated width 0.5-2.0 um in length 1.6-22.0 um the fact that this disease can be found worldwide in soil and water. Species is a serious types A, B and E (types A, can be converted by a cosmetic) showed the symptom nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, and death, depending on where the infection. If used in war. Toxins are fast acting. With terrorist groups around the world are expected to be infected with a biological weapon. These toxins can damage the crop, only 1 gram of human life up to 1.5 million people! I have added more information. Although this is a dangerous toxin, it has medical benefits as well. Used to recreate the serum, etc. (Also, remember NEWS shoot a crush on me, that Nan has Two Bourne Toxic List Namco).


Human beings are the most intelligent animals on the planet and the brain. With a Masters. But because the brain itself. Environmental harm to the animals as possible. They cause water and air pollution. They destroy the nuclear missile which destroyed mountain they have to the world. They have contributed to the outbreak of new species. Destroy the organisms in nature. The human species is not the end of the world was almost overwhelming.


Also known as. Toothpick fish. Found in the Amazon River. The fish is small, it is the fifth largest in the Sidewinder shape than it really is grim folk down there very much afraid of this species. It is an island residents eating habits. It stayed gills of fish. I was bitten by the gills of fish blood. As well as satisfied. It is reputed to be the most contaminated fish. Because it has a habit of smelling of urine. If someone came into the house, pool and peeing into the river. It was quickly followed by the smell of urea. Then it will burrow themselves into the urethra. I got this fish will ingest much pain. The only way is to be surgically removed. Otherwise be left to rot until the urethra ever.

The Brazilian Wandering spider

The name is said in Brazil. Spider is the world's most deadly poison. Its nerve toxicity. If it's poison bite can be very painful. The penis can not control. If the equipment is made ​​worse by sexual imagery. And if not treated on time, it is probably dead. Spider is the most dangerous. I have a habit of shoes in the closet, but most of them are wild banana (It is also known as the banana spider, Brazil is the country's banana crop in the world).

Corpse Flower

This flower is native to the Indonesian island of Sumatra have larger flowers than the flowers will be more than 6 feet long, it is about 4-5 times the flowers smell absolutely terrible (it's a. I was not sure), it smells like a corpse (hence its name, it is a corpse) where it has a smell to lure insects to swarm to the flower pollen to fertilize. Even the smell of it is just any foul, yet many tourists came to visit. The beauty of it.

Salvinia Molesta

Weed out the guard. Organisms are still not completely eliminated. Fern is a plant species in the water. Floating on the surface. It grows very fast, it takes only 2 mature. It also breeds a tremendous amount in a short time with The result is a swimming lake. Cover pool and the covered disaster. Until the plants die because it is argued sunlight. When plants and animals die because of the lack of food and oxygen. They also get rid of this plant never had the car out in the UN to leave spinning its Chan transportation until pool. But it does not solve the problem. They reproduce. The rest of the cast is growing species end. It is a problem for many local people living organisms.

Bull Ant

Ant ants resided in eastern Australian forests ancient habits differ from other types of ants. Throw it like a single prey (this is it), then it is a bit more punch. Because it contains iron in the bottom (a distant relative exposure to standby or racism) there was also a sight to two meters long called alarming really. But it also has its weaknesses is that it does not smell different. Wizards are not as good as the human eye, so it was replaced. And although it is not limited to punch people to death because of severe toxicity. But the pain of it is known that most of the animals that bite hurt at all. Species on this planet. The ants bite symptoms include burning pain and symptoms of these achingly long day is quite effective. It has been reported dead too.

Fatal Familial Insomnia

Is known as the worst symptoms of the disease. A rare disease. And its exact cause is unknown, but is expected to be caused by genetics. Stats for this disease are about 28 families around the world. The disease is incurable and 100 percent fatal course, and when the disease is worse than cancer and AIDS suffer loss. The first symptom is insomnia. Did not sleep just 2-3 days, but can not sleep at 7-36 months from diagnosis until death (36 months shows that the life you will have insomnia for about 3 years) and in the process also has the disease. Other complications, such as 1. patients sleep. Cause psychological fear and paranoia and fear that these will continue for four months. Two. Patients have neurological symptoms, panic symptoms, hallucinations, these are the three to five months. Weak body weight caused allergies. These symptoms continued for three months. 4 anxiety, Alzheimer's disease, and the end will not respond to various stimuli. These symptoms continued for six months. And is a symptom of the world. You will be like this until you die or suffer.


Mosquitoes are insects that can be found all over the world. Fossil evidence shows that it has been around since the ancient era, 38-54 million years ago, Gnat reputed to be the most insidious insects. Only females feed on blood of animals for food. It also carries a variety of diseases such as dengue, malaria, lymphatic filariasis and dengue epidemics have occurred in the child's death to many people. Also, get rid of it and it still was not extinct in this world for the next couple long.

Honey Badger

Honey bat Jerry is wretched creatures that live in the most. Africa and Southwest Asia. It lives underground I fall. Together as a family with the 20 recommendations warm my really active intelligence (artificial intelligence tools, such as stairs) with sharp fangs film thickness makes it the animal mind (not inside it), it's food, it has a little to big. whether they are small animals, the termites, rabbits, hedgehogs, snakes (venomous and not toxic, it is), scorpions, deer, Wilderness bis (shaped like a cow) concluded that all animals eat it (but it more like honey) and has been referred. "Animals are not afraid of anything," the name of it into the 2002 Guinness Book it with alligators, I've won. And reportedly killed by lions, leopards.